

The Defined king James Bible


Defined King James Bibles – Medium Print (10 Point Type) – (Genuine Leather)
Uncommon Words are defined accurately in the footnotes

5 in stock



Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! Keep the excellent rhythm, cadence, and reliability of the Faithful Old King James Bible. Simply add to it footnoted definitions of uncommon words and what do you get? You get the Defined King James Bible.
The Defined King James Bible is the culmination of hundreds of hours of painstaking work. This Bible uses footnotes to define virtually all of the archaic, obsolete, difficult, or uncommon words in the King James Bible.
This is a genuine leather copy of The Bible for Today, published in English and intended for young adults, ages 9-12, and adults. It is a nonfiction book with a focus on religious and spiritual topics, specifically Christianity. The book is a great addition to any collection and perfect for anyone looking to read and study the Bible.

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